Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Philadelphia Update

The American Commerce Center appears to be heading in the right direction, while the markets do anything but that…there is no lead tenant as of yet.

Same goes for Cira South (Rendered at right) and Brandywine. Brandywine is reportedly still in discussions with Blackrock to move some 1,000 employees to our fine city.

Poplar Hotel is too big according to the NLNA. It was also changed to an extended stay boutique, which has many concerned of the possibility that it goes condo one day.

Good thing the NLNA Zoning Committee cannot control Center City, because the Zoning Board just approved a 28-story Monaco, an appropriate redevelopment solution to the long dormant Boyd Theater.

The speed at which the planning process in Philadelphia works, these projects will probably be ready when the credit markets are up and running again in 2010.

Llenrock Group

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